AI in PR book cover


FREE DOWNLOAD In June this year, I have launched a call for contributions for a free ebook about Ai in PR/Comms. 3.5 months later, there’s a book: Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations and Communications: cases,reflections, and predictions – all 140+ pages, 16 authors from 6 countries packed with insight and thought provoking reviews and questions. …

AI in PR call for papers

Call For Papers And Contributors: Free E-book On AI In PR/Comms

I am planning to edit a new, free e-book, under a creative commons licence on Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations and Communications, using a similar system of collection, review and publication as I have used with the Corporate Activism, Women in PR and #Rezist2017 books. Whether research, opinion pieces, case studies or useful toolkits, this …

Career update: Vice President appointment

I have moved to Berlin at the end of 2014 joining the marvelous team at Quadriga University of Applied Sciences looking to combine practice with research, and consultancy with teaching. I brought with me my international experience, curiosity and desire to learn. There has never been a dull moment since, and from now on even …

PR during Covid-19

PR during Covid-19 (a NEW Essachess edition)

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided rich learning opportunities for public communicators: from positive, and unfortunately too often, also from negative examples. From the difficulties of relaying scientific information to publics and political partisanship colliding with public health interests, to the ‘misinfodemic’ (in particular, but not only, on social media) exacerbating the pandemic, to HR departments …

In the Argentinian media

Interview with Patricia Valli, Economics Editor from Perfil As I prepare for my keynote about the future of public relations and the lessons we should learn from the feminization of the profession, an interview I gave to the Argentinian national-circulation paper, Perfil, has been published. You can find it here and below.